Born in Russia. Based in Valencia, Spain. Studied art and illustration at the Escuela Superior de Arte y Tecnología ESAT and the GAIA Centro de Estudios de Arte in Valencia.

Jenya Datsko is a poet of a modern woman. She creates the visual essays of everyday situations a woman lives through. Her works capture the moments of loneliness and melancholy that, at the same time, radiate mysterious and fascinating beauty. Datsko invites the viewer to reflect on human nature and the complexity of common emotions.

Her heroines are self-sufficient and independent, but feminine and fragile at the same time. They are always in a reflective mood. Seems like they are soul searching even being surrounded by people. As if Edward Hopper’s characters are being put in the “Gathering” of Alex Katz.

Artist perceives these women as symbols of strength and determination in their pursuit of establishing genuine connections. By being alone, or silent in the presence of others, they are liberated from external influence and can fully explore their own identity and purpose.

The recurring presence of flowers in the artist’s paintings can be interpreted as a metaphor for the fragility of life, ephemeral beauty, but also as a source of hope. In this way, flowers can be seen as a symbol of life itself, which has moments of sadness and happiness, of fragility and renewal. They remind us that it is important to enjoy the moments of happiness, as they can fade quickly.


2024         Solo show “Crossroads”, Gillian Jason Gallery, London, UK

2024         Solo show, Future Fair art fair, New York, US

2023         Solo Show “Una historia en palabras nunca dichas”,

Vlab Gallery, Madrid, Spain

2023         Artlife Fest 2023, Moscow, Russia

2023         LAPADA (Art Fair), Gillian Jason Gallery, London, UK

2023         “Face to Face 2”, Gillian Jason Gallery, London UK

2023         Eye of the Collector art fair, Gillian Jason Gallery, London, UK

2023         “Eve Presents 3”, Eve Leibe Gallery, London, UK

2022         Artlife Fest 2022, Moscow, Russia

2021 Every Women biennial, London, UK


