Originally from Moscow, she then moved to Italy, and now resides in Barcelona.

Pursuing fine art studies from an early age, she later earned her architecture diploma and spent a decade working in yacht design before reigniting her passion for art seven years ago.

Her multicultural background and immigrant story deeply informs her work, reflecting her perception of fragmented identity and the pursuit of subjective wholeness. Defining personal boundaries and search for self-perception become the key topics of her artistic investigation. Through paintings, sculptures, installations and performances, Yulia's art explores the multiplicity of self, transition states and the body as a somatic memory tool.

Yulia Bas's artistic practice centers on the concept of total fragmentation, which is both her signature style and a fundamental principle of her work. She explores how, in a world overflowing with information, people must constantly adapt and reshape their identities. In the current information environment, our sense of self becomes more fragmented, influenced by both physical reality and multiple virtual identities. Yulia's art depicts individuals as mosaics of traditions, ancestral memories, avatars, and narratives. Every action, desire, and perspective is just a part of a larger picture, never fully complete. This creates a fear of self-expression, as it threatens to lose one's balance and fall into a dystopian future.

Yulia Bas questions if we can create a new image of humanity on this unstable foundation. At the same time, in this chaotic postmodern world, the artist looks for new beginnings. Her brushstrokes explore the sensual aspects of human experience, creating images where any connections and combinations are possible. Her human figures are continuously reassembled. Their rigid appearance hides the potential for movement and change. Fragmentation and decomposition become sources of new understanding and unity. However, full reassembly does not happen, as the constant transition between states reveals the living truth.


2024         Galerie LeRoyer /  Montreal, Canada / SOLO Show

2024         g · gallery / Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

2023        "Tea Drinkers" Art LeadHer / SOLO Show

2023         Impulse Gallery / Lucerne, Swizerland

2023         Art LeadHer at Christie’s / London

2023         Art LeadHer + Urban Zen NY / New York, USA / SOLO Show

2022         Art Miami / Galerie LeRoyer

2022         Gillian Jason Gallery / London, UK / SOLO Show

2022         Galerie LeRoyer /  Montreal, Canada / SOLO Show      

2022         Benjamin Eck gallery / Munich, Germany / SOLO Show

2021 Art LeadHer Gallery + Urban Zen NY / New York, USA

2021 Art LeadHer at  Show Gallery / Los Angeles, USA

2021 Art Miami / Galerie LeRoyer

2020 ArtLife fest 2020 / Moscow, Russia

2020 Gillian Jason Gallery / London, UK

2020 Galerie LeRoyer /  Montreal, Canada / SOLO Show

2019 ArtLife fest 2019 / Moscow, Russia

2019 JLS gallery / Mexico City, Mexico / SOLO Show

2019 COX gallery  / Bordeaux, France

2019 Art LeadHer Gallery with Urban Zen / New York, USA

2018 CAGE Contemporary Art Gallery /  Barcelona, Spain


